No provision of this chapter or *chapter 43.99 RCW, or of RCW 28B.20.750 through 28B.20.758 shall be deemed to repeal, override, or limit any provision of RCW 28B.10.300 through 28B.10.335, 28B.15.210, 28B.15.310, 28B.20.700 through 28B.20.745, 28B.30.700 through 28B.30.780, or 28B.35.700 through 28B.35.790, nor any provision or covenant of the proceedings of the board of regents or board of trustees of any state institution of higher education heretofore or hereafter taken in the issuance of its revenue bonds secured by a pledge of its building fees and/or other revenues mentioned within such statutes. The obligation of such boards to make the transfers provided for in RCW 28B.14D.070, 28B.14C.080(2), 28B.14C.090(2), 28B.14C.100(2), 28B.14C.110(2), 28B.14C.120(2), 28B.14C.130(2), 28B.14G.060, 28B.20.757, 43.99G.070, and 43.99H.060 (1) and (4), and in any similar law heretofore or hereafter enacted shall be subject and subordinate to the lien and charge of any revenue bonds heretofore or hereafter issued by such boards on the building fees and/or other revenues pledged to secure such revenue bonds, and on the moneys in the building account or capital project account and the individual institutions of higher education bond retirement funds.
[1991 sp.s. c 31 § 9; 1985 c 390 § 9; 1979 ex.s. c 253 § 10.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: Chapter 43.99 RCW was recodified as chapter 79A.25 RCW pursuant to 1999 c 249 § 1601.
Severability -- 1991 sp.s. c 31: See RCW 43.99I.900.