(1) The primary mission of the higher education branch campuses created under this chapter remains to expand access to baccalaureate and master's level graduate education in underserved urban areas of the state in collaboration with community and technical colleges. The top priority for each of the campuses is to expand courses and degree programs for transfer and graduate students. New degree programs should be driven by the educational needs and demands of students and the community, as well as the economic development needs of local businesses and employers.
(2) Branch campuses shall collaborate with the community and technical colleges in their region to develop articulation agreements, dual admissions policies, and other partnerships to ensure that branch campuses serve as innovative models of a two plus two educational system. Other possibilities for collaboration include but are not limited to joint development of curricula and degree programs, colocation of instruction, and arrangements to share faculty.
(3) In communities where a private postsecondary institution is located, representatives of the private institution may be invited to participate in the conversation about meeting the baccalaureate and master's level graduate needs in underserved urban areas of the state.
(4) However, the legislature recognizes there are alternative models for achieving this primary mission. Some campuses may have additional missions in response to regional needs and demands. At selected branch campuses, an innovative combination of instruction and research targeted to support regional economic development may be appropriate to meet the region's needs for both access and economic viability. Other campuses should focus on becoming models of a two plus two educational system through continuous improvement of partnerships and agreements with community and technical colleges. Still other campuses may be best suited to transition to a four-year university or be removed from designation as a branch campus entirely.
(5) The legislature recognizes that size, mix of degree programs, and proportion of lower versus upper division and graduate enrollments are factors that affect costs at branch campuses. However over time, the legislature intends that branch campuses be funded more similarly to regional universities.
(6) In consultation with the higher education coordinating board, a branch campus may propose legislation to authorize practice-oriented or professional doctoral programs if: (a) Unique research facilities and equipment are located near the campus; or (b) the campus can clearly demonstrate student and employer demand in the region that is linked to regional economic development.
(7) It is not the legislature's intent to have each campus chart its own future path without legislative guidance. Instead, the legislature intends to consider carefully the mission and model of education that best suits each campus and best meets the needs of students, the community, and the region. The higher education coordinating board shall monitor and evaluate the addition of lower division students to the branch campuses and periodically report and make recommendations to the higher education committees of the legislature to ensure the campuses continue to follow the priorities established under this chapter.
[2005 c 258 § 2; 2004 c 57 § 2.]
Notes: Findings--Intent -- 2005 c 258: "(1) Since their creation in 1989, the research university branch campuses have significantly expanded access to baccalaureate and graduate education for placebound students in Washington's urban and metropolitan cities. Furthermore, the campuses have contributed to community revitalization and economic development in their regions. The campuses have met their overall mission through the development of new degree programs and through collaboration with community and technical colleges. These findings were confirmed by a comprehensive review of the campuses by the Washington state institute for public policy in 2002 and 2003, and reaffirmed through legislation enacted in 2004 that directed four of the campuses to make recommendations for their future evolution.
(2) The self-studies conducted by the University of Washington Bothell, University of Washington Tacoma, Washington State University Tri-Cities, and Washington State University Vancouver reflect thoughtful and strategic planning and involved the input of numerous students, faculty, community and business leaders, community colleges, advisory committees, and board members. The higher education coordinating board's careful review provides a statewide context for the legislature to implement the next stage of the campuses.
(3) Concurrently, the higher education coordinating board has developed a strategic master plan for higher education that sets a goal of increasing the number of students who earn college degrees at all levels: Associate, baccalaureate, and graduate. The strategic master plan also sets a goal to increase the higher education system's responsiveness to the state's economic needs.
(4) The legislature finds that to meet both of the master plan's goals and to provide adequate educational opportunities for Washington's citizens, additional access is needed to baccalaureate degree programs. Expansion of the four campuses is one strategy for achieving the desired outcomes of the master plan. Other strategies must also be implemented through service delivery models that reflect both regional demands and statewide priorities.
(5) Therefore, the legislature intends to increase baccalaureate access and encourage economic development through overall expansion of upper division capacity, continued development of two plus two programs in some areas of the state, authorization of four-year university programs in other areas of the state, and creation of new types of baccalaureate programs on a pilot basis. These steps will make significant progress toward achieving the master plan goals, but the legislature will also continue to monitor the development of the higher education system and evaluate what additional changes or expansion may be necessary." [2005 c 258 § 1.]