The legislature finds that population growth in north King and south Snohomish counties has created a need to expand higher education and workforce training programs for the people living and working in those areas. In keeping with the recommendations of the higher education coordinating board, the legislature intends to help address those education and training needs through the creation of Cascadia Community College, expansion of educational opportunities at Lake Washington Technical College, and support of the University of Washington's branch campus at Bothell-Woodinville. It is further the intention of the legislature, in keeping with the higher education coordinating board recommendations, that the Cascadia Community College and the University of Washington branch campus be collocated, and that the new community college and the University of Washington's branch campus work in partnership to ensure that properly prepared students from community colleges and other institutions are able to transfer smoothly to the branch campus.
The legislature further finds that a governing board for Cascadia Community College needs to be appointed and confirmed as expeditiously as possible. The legislature intends to work cooperatively with the governor to facilitate the appointment and confirmation of trustees for the college.
[1994 c 217 § 1.]
Notes: Effective date -- 1994 c 217: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately [April 1, 1994]." [1994 c 217 § 5.]