(1) The higher education coordinating board must create a statewide system of course equivalency for public institutions of higher education, so that courses from one institution can be transferred and applied toward academic majors and degrees in the same manner as equivalent courses at the receiving institution.
(2) The board must convene a work group including representatives from the state board for community and technical colleges and the council of presidents, as well as faculty from two and four-year institutions, to:
(a) Identify equivalent courses between community and technical colleges and public four-year institutions and among public four-year institutions, including identifying how courses meet requirements for academic majors and degrees; and
(b) Develop strategies for communicating course equivalency to students, faculty, and advisors.
(3) The work group may include representatives from independent four-year institutions. The work group must take into account the unique nature of the curriculum of The Evergreen State College in developing the course equivalency system.
(4) The higher education coordinating board must make a progress report on the development of the course equivalency system to the higher education committees of the senate and house of representatives by January 10, 2005. The report must include options and cost estimates for ongoing maintenance of the system.
[2004 c 55 § 3.]
Notes: Findings -- Intent -- 2004 c 55: See note following RCW 28B.76.250.