The higher education coordinating board shall work with the state board of education, the superintendent of public instruction, the state board for community and technical colleges, the workforce training and education coordinating board, two and four-year institutions of higher education, and school districts to improve coordination, articulation, and transitions among the state's systems of education. The goal of improved coordination is increased student success. Topics to address include: Expansion of dual enrollment options for students; articulation agreements between institutions of higher education and high schools; improved alignment of high school preparatory curriculum and college readiness. The board, in conjunction with the other education agencies, shall submit a biennial update on the work accomplished and planned under this section to the education and higher education committees of the legislature, beginning January 15, 2005.
[2004 c 275 § 17; 1994 c 222 § 3. Formerly RCW 28B.80.175.]
Notes: Part headings not law -- 2004 c 275: See note following RCW 28B.76.030.
Effective date -- 1994 c 222: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately [April 1, 1994]." [1994 c 222 § 4.]