The legislature finds that it has previously declared in *RCW 28B.107.005 that it is important to the economic future of the state to promote international awareness and understanding, and in RCW 1.20.100, that the state's economy and economic well-being depends heavily on foreign trade and international exchange.
The legislature finds that it is appropriate that such policies should be implemented by encouraging universities and colleges domiciled in foreign countries to establish branch campuses in Washington and that it is also important to those foreign colleges and universities that their status as authorized foreign degree-granting institutions be recognized by this state to facilitate the establishment and operation of such branch campuses.
In the furtherance of such policy, the legislature adopts the foreign degree-granting institution approved branch campus act.
[1995 c 335 § 404; 1993 c 181 § 1.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: RCW 28B.107.005 expired June 30, 1996, pursuant to 1990 c 243 § 8.
Part headings, table of contents not law -- 1995 c 335: See note following RCW 28A.150.360.