(1) The agency shall adopt by rule minimum standards for entities operating private vocational schools. The minimum standards shall include, but not be limited to, requirements to assess whether a private vocational school is eligible to obtain and maintain a license in this state.
(2) The requirements adopted by the agency shall, at a minimum, require a private vocational school to:
(a) Disclose to the agency information about its ownership and financial position and to demonstrate to the agency that the school is financially viable and responsible and that it has sufficient financial resources to fulfill its commitments to students. Financial disclosures provided to the agency shall not be subject to public disclosure under chapter 42.56 RCW;
(b) Follow a uniform statewide cancellation and refund policy as specified by the agency;
(c) Disclose through use of a school catalog, brochure, or other written material, necessary information to students so that students may make informed enrollment decisions. The agency shall specify what information is required;
(d) Use an enrollment contract or agreement that includes: (i) The school's cancellation and refund policy, (ii) a brief statement that the school is licensed under this chapter and that inquiries may be made to the agency, and (iii) other necessary information as determined by the agency;
(e) Describe accurately and completely in writing to students before their enrollment prerequisites and requirements for (i) completing successfully the programs of study in which they are interested and (ii) qualifying for the fields of employment for which their education is designed;
(f) Comply with the requirements of RCW 28C.10.084;
(g) Assess the basic skills and relevant aptitudes of each potential student to determine that a potential student has the basic skills and relevant aptitudes necessary to complete and benefit from the program in which the student plans to enroll, including but not limited to administering a United States department of education-approved English as a second language exam before enrolling students for whom English is a second language unless the students provide proof of graduation from a United States high school or proof of completion of a GED in English or results of another academic assessment determined appropriate by the agency. Guidelines for such assessments shall be developed by the agency, in consultation with the schools;
(h) Discuss with each potential student the potential student's obligations in signing any enrollment contract and/or incurring any debt for educational purposes. The discussion shall include the inadvisability of acquiring an excessive educational debt burden that will be difficult to repay given employment opportunities and average starting salaries in the potential student's chosen occupation;
(i) Ensure that any enrollment contract between the private vocational school and its students has an attachment in a format provided by the agency. The attachment shall be signed by both the school and the student. The attachment shall stipulate that the school has complied with (h) of this subsection and that the student understands and accepts his or her responsibilities in signing any enrollment contract or debt application. The attachment shall also stipulate that the enrollment contract shall not be binding for at least five days, excluding Sundays and holidays, following signature of the enrollment contract by both parties; and
(j) Comply with the requirements related to qualifications of administrators and instructors.
(3) The agency may deny a private vocational school's application for licensure if the school fails to meet the requirements in this section.
(4) The agency may determine that a licensed private vocational school or a particular program of a private vocational school is at risk of closure or termination if:
(a) There is a pattern or history of substantiated student complaints filed with the agency pursuant to RCW 28C.10.120; or
(b) The private vocational school fails to meet minimum licensing requirements and has a pattern or history of failing to meet the minimum requirements.
(5) If the agency determines that a private vocational school or a particular program is at risk of closure or termination, the agency shall require the school to take corrective action.
[2007 c 462 § 2; 2005 c 274 § 247; 2001 c 23 § 1; 1990 c 188 § 7; 1987 c 459 § 3; 1986 c 299 § 5.]
Notes: Part headings not law -- Effective date -- 2005 c 274: See RCW 42.56.901 and 42.56.902.
Severability -- 1990 c 188: See note following RCW 28C.10.020.