Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this section and RCW 28C.18.160 and 28C.18.164 through 28C.18.168.
(1) "High-demand occupation" means an occupation with a substantial number of current or projected employment opportunities.
(2) "Low-income high school student" means a student who is enrolled in grades ten, eleven, or twelve in a public high school and who qualifies for federal free or reduced-price meals. If a student qualifies at the time the student begins participating in the opportunity internship program, the student remains eligible even if the student does not receive free or reduced-price meals thereafter. To participate in the program, the student must remain enrolled in high school until the student receives a high school diploma.
(3) "Opportunity internship consortium" means a local consortium formed for the purpose of participating in the opportunity internship program and which may be composed of a local workforce development council, economic development council, area high schools, community or technical colleges, apprenticeship councils, preapprenticeship programs such as running start for the trades, private vocational schools licensed under chapter 28C.10 RCW, public and private four-year institutions of higher education, employers in targeted industries, and labor organizations.
(4) "Opportunity internship graduate" means a low-income high school student who successfully completes an opportunity internship program and graduates from high school.
(5) "Postsecondary program of study" means an undergraduate or graduate certificate, apprenticeship, or degree program.
(6) "Preapprenticeship" means a program of at least ninety hours and not more than one hundred eighty hours in length that provides practical experience, education, preparation, and the development of skills that would be beneficial for entry into state-approved apprenticeship programs, including but not limited to construction industry structure and the construction process; orientation to state-approved apprenticeship; tools of the various trades and safe handling of power tools; and industry standards of safety, responsibility, and craft excellence.
(7) "Targeted industry" means a business or industry identified by a local workforce development council as having high-demand occupations that require candidates to have completed a postsecondary program of study.
[2009 c 238 § 3.]
Notes: Findings -- Intent -- 2009 c 238: See note following RCW 28C.18.160.