"Partisan office" means a public office for which a candidate may indicate a political party preference on his or her declaration of candidacy and have that preference appear on the primary and general election ballot in conjunction with his or her name. The following are partisan offices:
(1) United States senator and United States representative;
(2) All state offices, including legislative, except (a) judicial offices and (b) the office of superintendent of public instruction;
(3) All county offices except (a) judicial offices and (b) those offices for which a county home rule charter provides otherwise.
[2005 c 2 § 4 (Initiative Measure No. 872, approved November 2, 2004).]
Notes: Reviser's note: The constitutionality of Initiative Measure No. 872 was upheld in Washington State Grange v. Washington State Republican Party, et al., 552 U.S. . . . (2008).
Short title -- Intent -- Contingent effective date -- 2005 c 2 (Initiative Measure No. 872): See notes following RCW 29A.52.112.