(1) A registered voter may submit a transfer of his or her voter registration on the day of a primary, special election, or general election by completing a voter registration form.
(2) A voter who requests to transfer his or her registration after the deadlines established in RCW 29A.08.140 shall vote in the precinct in which he or she was previously registered.
[2009 c 369 § 24; 2004 c 267 § 123; 2003 c 111 § 230. Prior: 1991 c 81 § 28; 1979 c 96 § 1. Formerly RCW 29.10.170.]
Notes: Effective dates -- 2004 c 267: See note following RCW 29A.08.010.
Effective date -- 1991 c 81: See note following RCW 29A.84.540.