The people of the state of Washington declare that:
(1) The current presidential nominating caucus system in Washington state is unnecessarily restrictive of voter participation in that it discriminates against the elderly, the infirm, women, the disabled, evening workers, and others who are unable to attend caucuses and therefore unable to fully participate in this most important quadrennial event that occurs in our democratic system of government.
(2) It is the intent of this chapter to make the presidential selection process more open and representative of the will of the people of our state.
(3) A presidential primary will afford the maximum opportunity for voter access at regular polling places during the daytime and evening hours convenient to the most people.
(4) This state's participation in the selection of presidential candidates shall be in accordance with the will of the people as expressed in a presidential preference primary.
(5) It is the intent of this chapter, to the maximum extent practicable, to continue to reserve to the political parties the right to conduct their delegate selection as prescribed by party rules insofar as it reflects the will of the people as expressed in a presidential primary election conducted every four years in the manner described by this chapter.
[2003 c 111 § 1401; 1989 c 4 § 1 (Initiative Measure No. 99). Formerly RCW 29.19.010.]