If the boundaries of any city, township, or rural precinct are changed in the manner provided by law, the county auditor shall transfer the registration cards of every registered voter whose place of residence is affected thereby to the files of the proper precinct, noting thereon the name or number of the new precinct, or change the addresses, the precinct names or numbers, and the special district designations for those registered voters on the voter registration lists of the county. It shall not be necessary for any registered voter whose residence has been changed from one precinct to another, by a change of boundary, to apply to the registration officer for a transfer of registration. The county auditor shall mail to each registrant in the new precinct a notice that his or her precinct has been changed from . . . . . . to . . . . . ., and that thereafter the registrant will be entitled to vote in the new precinct, giving the name or number.
[2003 c 111 § 1903; 1971 ex.s. c 202 § 27; 1965 c 9 § 29.10.060. Prior: 1933 c 1 § 17; RRS § 5114-17. Formerly RCW 29.10.060.]