Every person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor, who:
(1) For any consideration, compensation, gratuity, reward, or thing of value or promise thereof, signs or declines to sign any recall petition; or
(2) Advertises in any newspaper, magazine or other periodical publication, or in any book, pamphlet, circular, or letter, or by means of any sign, signboard, bill, poster, handbill, or card, or in any manner whatsoever, that he or she will either for or without compensation or consideration circulate, solicit, procure, or obtain signatures upon, or influence or induce or attempt to influence or induce persons to sign or not to sign any recall petition or vote for or against any recall; or
(3) For pay or any consideration, compensation, gratuity, reward, or thing of value or promise thereof, circulates, or solicits, procures, or obtains or attempts to procure or obtain signatures upon any recall petition; or
(4) Pays or offers or promises to pay, or gives or offers or promises to give any consideration, compensation, gratuity, reward, or thing of value to any person to induce him or her to sign or not to sign, or to circulate or solicit, procure, or attempt to procure or obtain signatures upon any recall petition, or to vote for or against any recall; or
(5) By any other corrupt means or practice or by threats or intimidation interferes with or attempts to interfere with the right of any legal voter to sign or not to sign any recall petition or to vote for or against any recall; or
(6) Receives, accepts, handles, distributes, pays out, or gives away, directly or indirectly, any money, consideration, compensation, gratuity, reward, or thing of value contributed by or received from any person, firm, association, or corporation whose residence or principal office is, or the majority of whose stockholders are nonresidents of the state of Washington, for any service, work, or assistance of any kind done or rendered for the purpose of aiding in procuring signatures upon any recall petition or the adoption or rejection of any recall.
[2003 c 111 § 2110; 1984 c 170 § 12; 1965 c 9 § 29.82.220. Prior: 1953 c 113 § 2; prior: 1913 c 146 § 16, part; RRS § 5365, part. Formerly RCW 29.82.220.]
Notes:Misconduct in signing a petition: RCW 9.44.080.