Any person who has been a shareholder of record at least six months immediately preceding his or her demand or who is the holder of record of at least five percent of all the outstanding shares of a bank or trust company, upon written demand stating the purpose thereof, has the right to examine, in person, or by agent or attorney, at any reasonable time or times, for any proper purpose, the bank or trust company's minutes of the proceedings of its shareholders, its shareholder records, and its existing publicly available records. The person is entitled to make extracts therefrom, except that the person is not entitled to view or make extracts of any portion of minutes that refer or relate to information which is confidential.
Any officer or agent who, or a bank or trust company that, refuses to allow any such shareholder or his or her agent or attorney, to examine and make extracts from its minutes of the proceedings of its shareholders, record of shareholders, or existing publicly available books and records, for any proper purpose, shall be liable to the shareholder for actual damages or other remedy afforded the shareholder by law.
It is a defense to any action for penalties under this section that the person suing therefor has, within two years: (1) Sold or offered for sale any list of shareholders for shares of such bank or trust company or any other bank or trust company; (2) aided or abetted any person in procuring any list of shareholders for any such purpose; (3) improperly used any information secured through any prior examination of existing publicly available books and records, or minutes, or record of shareholders of such bank or trust company or any other bank or trust company; or (4) not acted in good faith or for a proper purpose in making his or her demand.
Nothing in this section impairs the power of any court of competent jurisdiction, upon proof by a shareholder of proper purpose, irrespective of the period of time during which the shareholder has been a shareholder of record, and irrespective of the number of shares held by him or her, to compel the production for examination by the shareholder of the existing publicly available books and records, minutes, and record of shareholders of a bank or trust company.
Upon the written request of any shareholder of a bank or trust company, the bank or trust company shall mail to the shareholder its most recent financial statements showing in reasonable detail its assets and liabilities and the results of its operations. As used in this section, "shareholder" includes the holder of voting trust certificates for shares.
[1986 c 279 § 32.]