(1) The department shall, subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, coordinate with the department of natural resources in the development and implementation of a needs-based evergreen community grant and competitive awards program to provide financial assistance to cities, towns, and counties for the development, adoption, or implementation of evergreen community management plans or ordinances developed under RCW 35.105.090.
(2) The grant program authorized in this section shall address both the goals of rewarding innovation by a successful evergreen community and of providing resources and assistance to the applicants with the greatest financial need.
(3) The department may only provide grants to cities, towns, or counties under this chapter that:
(a) Are recognized as an evergreen community consistent with RCW 35.105.030, or are applying for funds that would aid them in their pursuit of evergreen community recognition; and
(b) Have developed, or are developing urban forest management partnerships with local not-for-profit organizations.
[2008 c 299 § 9.]
Notes: Short title -- 2008 c 299: See note following RCW 35.105.010.