(1) To the extent that funds are appropriated for this specific purpose, the department shall develop model evergreen community management plans and ordinances pursuant to RCW 35.105.070 and 35.105.080 with measurable goals and timelines to guide plan and ordinance adoption or development consistent with RCW 35.105.090.
(2) Model plans and ordinances developed under this section must:
(a) Recognize ecoregional differences in the state;
(b) Provide flexibility for the diversity of urban character and relative differences in density and zoning found in Washington's cities, towns, and counties;
(c) Provide an urban forest landowner inventorying his or her own property with the ability to access existing inventories, technology, and other technical assistance available through the department of natural resources;
(d) Recognize and provide for vegetation management practices and programs that prevent vegetation from interfering with or damaging utilities, public facilities, and solar panels or buildings specifically designed to optimize passive solar energy; and
(e) Provide for vegetation management practices and programs that reflect and are consistent with the priorities and goals of the growth management act, chapter 36.70A RCW.
(3) All model plans and ordinances developed by the department must be developed in conjunction with the evergreen communities partnership task force created in RCW 35.105.110.
(4) After the development of model evergreen community plans and ordinances under this section, the department shall, in conjunction with the department of natural resources, distribute and provide outreach regarding the model plans and ordinances and associated best management practices to cities, towns, and counties to aid the cities, towns, and counties in obtaining evergreen community recognition under RCW 35.105.030.
(5) By December 1, 2010, the department shall, at a minimum, develop the model evergreen community plans and ordinances required under this section for areas of the state where the department of natural resources has completed community and urban forest inventories pursuant to RCW 76.15.070.
[2008 c 299 § 10.]
Notes: Short title -- 2008 c 299: See note following RCW 35.105.010.