The department shall, in the development of model evergreen community ordinances under RCW 35.105.050, consider including, but not be limited to, the following policy elements:
(1) Tree canopy cover, density, and spacing;
(2) Tree conservation and retention;
(3) Vegetated storm water runoff management using native trees and appropriate nonnative, nonnaturalized vegetation;
(4) Clearing, grading, protection of soils, reductions in soil compaction, and use of appropriate soils with low runoff potential and high infiltration rates;
(5) Appropriate tree siting and maintenance for vegetation management practices and programs to prevent vegetation from interfering with or damaging utilities and public facilities;
(6) Native species and nonnative, nonnaturalized species diversity selection to reduce disease and pests in urban forests;
(7) Tree maintenance;
(8) Street tree installation and maintenance;
(9) Tree and vegetation buffers for riparian areas, critical areas, transportation and utility corridors, and commercial and residential areas;
(10) Tree assessments for new construction permitting;
(11) Recommended forest conditions for different land use types;
(12) Variances for hardship and safety;
(13) Variances to avoid conflicts with renewable solar energy infrastructure, passive solar building design, and locally grown produce; and
(14) Permits and appeals.
[2008 c 299 § 13.]
Notes: Short title -- 2008 c 299: See note following RCW 35.105.010.