(1) A city, town, or county may adopt evergreen community management plans and ordinances, including enforcement mechanisms and civil penalties for violations of its evergreen community ordinances.
(2) Evergreen community ordinances adopted under this section may not prohibit or conflict with vegetation management practices and programs undertaken to prevent vegetation from interfering with or damaging utilities and public facilities.
(3) Management plans developed by cities, towns, or counties must be based on urban forest inventories for the city, town, or county covered by the management plan. The city, town, or county developing the management plan may produce independent inventories themselves or rely solely on inventories developed, commissioned, or approved by the department of natural resources under chapter 76.15 RCW.
(4) Cities, towns, or counties may establish a local evergreen community advisory board or utilize existing citizen boards focused on municipal tree issues to achieve appropriate expert and stakeholder participation in the adoption and development of inventories, assessments, ordinances, and plans consistent with this chapter.
(5) A city, town, or county shall invite the expert advice of utilities serving within its jurisdiction for the purpose of developing and adopting appropriate plans for vegetation management practices and programs to prevent vegetation from interfering with or damaging utilities and public facilities.
[2008 c 299 § 14.]
Notes: Short title -- 2008 c 299: See note following RCW 35.105.010.