During the period commencing with April 3, 1998, and running through July 1, 1999, a city may not assume jurisdiction of all or a portion of a water-sewer district under RCW 35.13A.030 or 35.13A.040, unless voters of the entire water-sewer district approve a ballot proposition authorizing the assumption under general election law with the city paying for the election costs, and during the same period a water-sewer district may not:
(1) Merge or consolidate with another water-sewer district unless each city that is partially included within any of the districts proposing to merge or consolidate indicates that it has no interest in assuming jurisdiction of the district; or
(2) Take any action that would establish different contractual obligations, requirements for retiring indebtedness, authority to issue debt in parity with the district's existing outstanding indebtedness, rates of compensation, or terms of employment contracts, if a city assumes jurisdiction of all or a portion of the district. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent a district from issuing obligations on a parity with its outstanding obligations, to repeat terms and conditions of obligations provided with respect to earlier parity obligations, or to provide covenants that are customary for obligations of similar utilities whether those utilities are operated by cities or special purpose districts.
[1998 c 326 § 3.]
Notes: Effective date -- 1998 c 326: See note following RCW 35.13A.010.