The adoption, approval, enactment, amendment, granting or authorization by the city council or commission of any ordinance or resolution applying to land, buildings or structures within any community council corporation shall become effective within such community municipal corporation either on approval by the community council, or by failure of the community council to disapprove within sixty days of final enactment, with respect to the following:
(1) Comprehensive plan;
(2) Zoning ordinance;
(3) Conditional use permit, special exception or variance;
(4) Subdivision ordinance;
(5) Subdivision plat;
(6) Planned unit development.
Disapproval by the community council shall not affect the application of any ordinance or resolution affecting areas outside the community municipal corporation.
Upon annexation or consolidation, pending the effective enactment or amendment of a zoning or land use control ordinance, without disapproval of the community municipal corporation, affecting land, buildings, or structures within a community municipal corporation, the zoning ordinance, resolution or land use controls applicable to the annexed or consolidated area, prior to the annexation or consolidation, shall remain in effect within the community municipal corporation and be enforced by the city to which the area is annexed or consolidated.
Whenever the comprehensive plan of the city, insofar as it affects the area of the community municipal corporation has been submitted as part of an annexation proposition and approved by the voters of the area proposed for annexation pursuant to chapter 88, Laws of 1965 extraordinary session, such action shall have the same force and effect as approval by the community council of the comprehensive plan, zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance.
[1967 c 73 § 4.]