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Washington Laws
Title 35 - Cities and towns
35.21 - Miscellaneous provisions.
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35.21 - Miscellaneous provisions.
35.21.005 - Sufficiency of petitions.
35.21.010 - General corporate powers -- Towns, restrictions as to area.
35.21.015 - Salary commissions.
35.21.020 - Auditoriums, art museums, swimming pools, etc. -- Power to acquire.
35.21.030 - Auxiliary water systems for protection from fire.
35.21.070 - Cumulative reserve fund -- Authority to create.
35.21.080 - Cumulative reserve fund -- Annual levy for -- Application of budget law.
35.21.085 - Payrolls fund -- Claims fund.
35.21.086 - Payrolls fund -- Transfers from insolvent funds.
35.21.087 - Employee checks, drafts, warrants -- City, town may cash.
35.21.088 - Equipment rental fund.
35.21.090 - Dikes, levees, embankments -- Authority to construct.
35.21.100 - Donations -- Authority to accept and use.
35.21.110 - Ferries -- Authority to acquire and maintain.
35.21.120 - Solid waste handling system -- Contracts.
35.21.130 - Solid waste or recyclable materials collection -- Ordinance.
35.21.135 - Solid waste or recyclable materials collection -- Curbside recycling -- Reduced rate.
35.21.140 - Garbage -- Notice of lien -- Foreclosure.
35.21.150 - Garbage -- Lien -- Priority.
35.21.152 - Solid waste handling -- Agreements -- Purposes -- Terms and conditions.
35.21.154 - Solid waste -- Compliance with chapter 70.95 RCW required.
35.21.156 - Solid waste -- Contracts with vendors for solid waste handling systems, plants, sites, or facilities -- Requirements -- Vendor selection procedures.
35.21.157 - Solid waste collection -- Rate increase notice.
35.21.158 - Collection and transportation of recyclable materials by recycling companies or nonprofit entities -- Reuse or reclamation -- Application of chapter.
35.21.160 - Jurisdiction over adjacent waters.
35.21.163 - Penalty for act constituting a crime under state law -- Limitation.
35.21.165 - Driving while under the influence of liquor or drug -- Minimum penalties.
35.21.175 - Offices to be open certain days and hours.
35.21.180 - Ordinances -- Adoption of codes by reference.
35.21.185 - Ordinances -- Information pooling.
35.21.190 - Parkways, park drives, and boulevards.
35.21.200 - Residence qualifications of appointive officials and employees.
35.21.203 - Recall sufficiency hearing -- Payment of defense expenses.
35.21.205 - Liability insurance for officials and employees.
35.21.207 - Liability insurance for officers and employees authorized.
35.21.209 - Insurance and workers' compensation for offenders performing community restitution.
35.21.210 - Sewerage, drainage, and water supply.
35.21.215 - Powers relative to systems of sewerage.
35.21.217 - Utility services -- Deposit -- Tenants' delinquencies -- Notice -- Lien.
35.21.220 - Sidewalks -- Regulation of use of.
35.21.225 - Transportation benefit districts.
35.21.228 - Rail fixed guideway system -- Safety program plan and security and emergency preparedness plan.
35.21.230 - Streets over tidelands declared public highways.
35.21.240 - Streets over tidelands -- Control of.
35.21.250 - Streets and alleys over first-class tidelands -- Control of.
35.21.260 - Streets -- Annual report to secretary of transportation.
35.21.270 - Streets -- Records of funds received and used for construction, repair, maintenance.
35.21.275 - Street improvements -- Provision of supplies or materials.
35.21.278 - Contracts with community service organizations for public improvements -- Limitations.
35.21.280 - Tax on admissions -- Exceptions.
35.21.290 - Utility services -- Lien for.
35.21.300 - Utility services -- Enforcement of lien -- Limitations on termination of service for residential heating.
35.21.305 - Utility connection charges -- Waiver for low-income persons.
35.21.310 - Removal of overhanging or obstructing vegetation -- Removal, destroying debris.
35.21.315 - Amateur radio antennas -- Local regulation to conform with federal law.
35.21.320 - Warrants -- Interest rate -- Payment.
35.21.333 - Chief of police or marshal -- Eligibility requirements.
35.21.334 - Chief of police or marshal -- Background investigation.
35.21.335 - Chief of police or marshal -- Vacancy.
35.21.340 - Cemeteries and funeral facilities.
35.21.350 - Civil service in police and fire departments.
35.21.360 - Eminent domain by cities and towns.
35.21.370 - Joint county and city hospitals.
35.21.380 - Joint county and city buildings.
35.21.385 - Counties with a population of two hundred ten thousand or more may contract with cities concerning buildings and related improvements.
35.21.390 - Public employment, civil service and pensions.
35.21.392 - Contractors -- Authority of city to verify registration and report violations.
35.21.395 - Historic preservation -- Authorization to acquire property, borrow money, issue bonds, etc.
35.21.400 - City may acquire property for parks, recreational, viewpoint, greenbelt, conservation, historic, scenic, or view purposes.
35.21.403 - Authority to establish lake and beach management districts.
35.21.404 - Fish enhancement project -- City's or town's liability.
35.21.405 - Moorage facilities -- Regulations authorized -- Port charges, delinquency -- Abandoned vessels, public sale.
35.21.407 - Abandoned or derelict vessels.
35.21.410 - Nonpolluting power generation by individual -- Exemption from regulation -- Authorization to contract with utility.
35.21.412 - Hydroelectric resources -- Separate legal authority -- Creation by irrigation districts and cities, towns, or public utility districts.
35.21.415 - Electrical utilities -- Civil immunity of officials and employees for good faith mistakes and errors of judgment.
35.21.417 - Hydroelectric reservoir extending across international boundary -- Agreement with Province of British Columbia.
35.21.418 - Hydroelectric reservoir extending across international boundary -- Commission -- Powers.
35.21.420 - Utilities -- City may support county in which generating plant located -- Cities with a population greater than five hundred thousand responsible for impact payments and arrearages -- Arbi
35.21.422 - Utilities -- Cities in a county with a population of two hundred ten thousand or more west of Cascades may support cities, towns, counties and taxing districts in which facilities located.
35.21.425 - City constructing generating facility in other county -- Reimbursement of county or school district -- Reimbursement by cities with a population greater than five hundred thousand.
35.21.426 - City constructing generating facility in other county -- Notice of loss -- Negotiations -- Arbitration.
35.21.427 - City constructing generating facility in other county -- Additional findings -- Renegotiation.
35.21.430 - Utilities -- City may pay taxing districts involved after acquisition of private power facilities.
35.21.440 - Utilities -- Additional payments to school districts having bonded indebtedness.
35.21.450 - Utilities -- Payment of taxes.
35.21.455 - Locally regulated utilities -- Attachments to poles.
35.21.465 - Crop purchase contracts for dedicated energy crops.
35.21.470 - Building construction projects -- City or town prohibited from requiring state agencies or local governments to provide bond or other security as a condition for issuance of permit.
35.21.475 - Statement of restrictions applicable to real property.
35.21.500 - Compilation, codification, revision of city or town ordinances -- Scope of codification.
35.21.510 - Compilation, codification, revision of city or town ordinances -- Authorized.
35.21.520 - Compilation, codification, revision of city or town ordinances -- Adoption as official code of city.
35.21.530 - Compilation, codification, revision of city or town ordinances -- Filing -- Notice of hearing.
35.21.540 - Compilation, codification, revision of city or town ordinances -- Legislative body may amend, adopt, or reject adopting ordinance -- When official code.
35.21.550 - Compilation, codification, revision of city or town ordinances -- Copies as proof of ordinances.
35.21.560 - Compilation, codification, revision of city or town ordinances -- Adoption of new material.
35.21.570 - Compilation, codification, revision of city or town ordinances -- Codification satisfies single subject, title, and amendment requirements of statute or charter.
35.21.590 - Executory conditional sales contracts for purchase of property -- Limit on indebtedness -- Election, when.
35.21.630 - Youth agencies -- Establishment authorized.
35.21.635 - Juvenile curfews.
35.21.640 - Conferences to study regional and governmental problems, counties and cities may establish.
35.21.650 - Prepayment of taxes or assessments authorized.
35.21.660 - Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act -- Agreements with federal government -- Scope of authority.
35.21.670 - Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act -- Powers and limitations of public corporations, commissions or authorities created.
35.21.680 - Participation in Economic Opportunity Act programs.
35.21.684 - Authority to regulate placement or use of homes -- Regulation of manufactured homes -- Issuance of permits -- Restrictions on location of manufactured/mobile homes and entry or removal of
35.21.685 - Low-income housing -- Loans and grants.
35.21.687 - Affordable housing -- Inventory of suitable housing.
35.21.688 - Family day-care provider's home facility -- City or town may not prohibit in residential or commercial area -- Conditions.
35.21.690 - Authority to regulate auctioneers -- Limitations.
35.21.692 - Authority to regulate massage practitioners -- Limitations.
35.21.695 - Authority to own and operate professional sports franchise.
35.21.696 - Newspaper carrier regulation.
35.21.698 - Regulation of financial transactions -- Limitations.
35.21.700 - Tourist promotion.
35.21.703 - Economic development programs.
35.21.706 - Imposition or increase of business and occupation tax -- Referendum procedure required -- Exclusive procedure.
35.21.710 - License fees or taxes on certain business activities -- Uniform rate required -- Maximum rate established.
35.21.711 - License fees or taxes on certain business activities -- Excess rates authorized by voters.
35.21.712 - License fees or taxes on telephone business to be at uniform rate.
35.21.714 - License fees or taxes on telephone business -- Imposition on certain gross revenues authorized -- Limitations.
35.21.715 - Taxes on network telephone services.
35.21.717 - Taxation of internet access -- Moratorium.
35.21.718 - State route No. 16 -- Tax on operation prohibited.
35.21.720 - City contracts to obtain sheriff's office law enforcement services.
35.21.730 - Public corporations -- Powers of cities, towns, and counties -- Administration.
35.21.735 - Public corporations -- Declaration of public purpose -- Power and authority to enter into agreements, receive and expend funds -- Security -- Special funds -- Agreements to implement feder
35.21.740 - Public corporations -- Exercise of powers, authorities, or rights -- Territorial jurisdiction.
35.21.745 - Public corporations -- Provision for, control over -- Powers.
35.21.747 - Public corporations -- Real property transferred by city, town, or county -- Restrictions, notice, public meeting.
35.21.750 - Public corporations -- Insolvency or dissolution.
35.21.755 - Public corporations -- Exemption or immunity from taxation -- In lieu excise tax.
35.21.756 - Tax exemption -- Sales/leasebacks by regional transit authorities.
35.21.757 - Public corporations -- Statutes to be construed consistent with state Constitution.
35.21.759 - Public corporations, commissions, and authorities -- Applicability of general laws.
35.21.760 - Legal interns -- Employment authorized.
35.21.762 - Urban emergency medical service districts -- Creation authorized in city or town with territory in two counties.
35.21.765 - Fire protection, ambulance or other emergency services provided by municipal corporation within county -- Financial and other assistance by county authorized.
35.21.766 - Ambulance services -- Establishment authorized.
35.21.7661 - Study and review of ambulance utilities.
35.21.768 - Ambulance services -- Excise taxes authorized -- Use of proceeds.
35.21.769 - Levy for emergency medical care and services.
35.21.770 - Members of legislative bodies authorized to serve as volunteer firefighters, volunteer ambulance personnel, or reserve law enforcement officers.
35.21.772 - Fire department volunteers -- Holding public office -- Definitions.
35.21.775 - Provision of fire protection services to state-owned facilities.
35.21.778 - Existing contracts for fire protection services and equipment not abrogated.
35.21.779 - Fire protection services for state-owned facilities -- Contracts with the department of community, trade, and economic development -- Consolidation of negotiations with multiple state agen
35.21.780 - Laws, rules and regulations applicable to cities five hundred thousand or over deemed applicable to cities four hundred thousand or over.
35.21.790 - Revision of corporate boundary within street, road, or highway right-of-way by substituting right-of-way line -- Not subject to review.
35.21.800 - Foreign trade zones -- Legislative finding, intent.
35.21.805 - Foreign trade zones -- Authority to apply for permission to establish, operate and maintain.
35.21.810 - Hydroplane races -- Providing for restrooms and other services in public parks for spectators -- Admission fees -- Authorized.
35.21.815 - Hydroplane races -- Levying of admission charges declared public park purpose -- Reversion prohibited.
35.21.820 - Acquisition and disposal of vehicles for commuter ride sharing by city employees.
35.21.830 - Controls on rent for residential structures -- Prohibited -- Exceptions.
35.21.840 - Taxation of motor carriers of freight for hire -- Allocation of gross receipts.
35.21.845 - Taxation of motor carriers of freight for hire -- Tax allocation formula.
35.21.850 - Taxation of motor carriers of freight for hire -- Limitation -- Exceptions.
35.21.851 - Taxation of chamber of commerce, similar business for operation of parking/business improvement area.
35.21.855 - Taxation of intellectual property creating activities -- Gross receipts tax prohibited -- Exceptions.
35.21.860 - Electricity, telephone, or natural gas business, service provider -- Franchise fees prohibited -- Exceptions.
35.21.865 - Electricity, telephone, or natural gas business -- Limitations on tax rate changes.
35.21.870 - Electricity, telephone, natural gas, or steam energy business -- Tax limited to six percent -- Exception.
35.21.871 - Tax on telephone business -- Deferral of rate reduction.
35.21.873 - Procedure to correct erroneous mobile telecommunications service tax.
35.21.875 - Designation of official newspaper.
35.21.880 - Right-of-way donations -- Credit against required improvements.
35.21.890 - Boundary changes -- Providing factual information -- Notice to boundary review board.
35.21.895 - Regulation of automatic number or location identification -- Prohibited.
35.21.897 - Mobile home, manufactured home, or park model moving or installing -- Copies of permits -- Definitions.
35.21.900 - Authority to transfer real property.
35.21.905 - Consultation with public utilities for water-sewer facility relocation projects.
35.21.910 - Community athletics programs -- Sex discrimination prohibited.
35.21.915 - Temporary encampments for the homeless -- Hosting by religious organizations authorized -- Prohibitions on local actions.
35.21.920 - State and federal background checks of license applicants and licensees of occupations under local licensing authority.
35.21.925 - Supplemental transportation improvements.
35.21.980 - Construction -- Chapter applicable to state registered domestic partnerships -- 2009 c 521.
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