On or before the first business day in the third month prior to the beginning of the fiscal year of a city or town or at such other time as the city or town may provide by ordinance or charter, the clerk or other person designated by the charter, by ordinances, or by the chief administrative officer of the city or town shall submit to the chief administrative officer a proposed preliminary budget which shall set forth the complete financial program of the city or town for the ensuing fiscal year, showing the expenditure program requested by each department and the sources of revenue by which each such program is proposed to be financed.
The revenue section shall set forth in comparative and tabular form for each fund the actual receipts for the last completed fiscal year, the estimated receipts for the current fiscal year and the estimated receipts for the ensuing fiscal year, which shall include the amount to be raised from ad valorem taxes and unencumbered fund balances estimated to be available at the close of the current fiscal year.
The expenditure section shall set forth in comparative and tabular form for each fund and every department operating within each fund the actual expenditures for the last completed fiscal year, the appropriations for the current fiscal year and the estimated expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year. The salary or salary range for each office, position or job classification shall be set forth separately together with the title or position designation thereof: PROVIDED, That salaries may be set out in total amounts under each department if a detailed schedule of such salaries and positions be attached to and made a part of the budget document.
[1969 ex.s. c 95 § 5.]