Every municipal corporation which owns or operates an urban public transportation system as defined in RCW 47.04.082 within its corporate limits may acquire, construct, extend, own, or operate such urban public transportation system to any point or points not to exceed fifteen miles outside of its corporate limits: PROVIDED, That no municipal corporation shall extend its urban public transportation system beyond its corporate limits to operate in any territory already served by a privately operated auto transportation company holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity from the utilities and transportation commission.
As a condition of receiving state funding, the municipal corporation shall submit a maintenance management plan for certification by the transportation commission or its successor entity. The plan must inventory all transportation system assets within the direction and control of the municipality, and provide a preservation plan based on lowest life-cycle cost methodologies.
[2003 c 363 § 302; 1969 ex.s. c 281 § 26; 1965 c 7 § 35.84.060. Prior: 1919 c 138 § 1; 1917 c 59 § 1; RRS § 9213.]
Notes: Finding -- Intent -- 2003 c 363: "The legislature finds that roads, streets, bridges, and highways in the state represent public assets worth over one hundred billion dollars. These investments require regular maintenance and preservation, or rehabilitation, to provide cost-effective transportation services. Many of these facilities are in poor condition. Given the magnitude of public investment and the importance of safe, reliable roadways to the motoring public, the legislature intends to create stronger accountability to ensure that cost-effective maintenance and preservation is provided for these transportation facilities." [2003 c 363 § 301.]
Part headings not law -- Severability -- 2003 c 363: See notes following RCW 47.28.241.