(1) Whenever the parking commission intends to construct new off-street parking facilities it shall:
(a) Prepare plans for such proposed development, which shall meet the approval of the planning commission, other appropriate city planning agency, or city council;
(b) Prepare a report to the city council stating the proposed method of financing and property acquisition;
(c) Specify the property rights, if any, to be secured from the public or of property devoted to public use; the uses of streets necessary therefor, or realignment or vacation of streets and alleys; the relocation of street utilities; and any street area to be occupied or closed during construction.
(2) In the event the proposed parking facility shall require:
(a) Creation of a local improvement district;
(b) Issuance of bonds, allocation or appropriation of municipal revenues from other sources, or guarantees of or use of the credit of the municipality;
(c) Exercise of the power of eminent domain; or
(d) Use of, or vacation, realignment of streets and alleys, or relocation of municipal utilities.
One or more public hearings shall be held thereon before the city council, or an assigned committee thereof, which shall report its recommendations to be approved, revised, or rejected by the city council. Such hearings may be consolidated with any required hearings for street vacations, or creation of a local improvement district. Pursuant to such hearing, the city council may:
(1) Create a local improvement district to finance all or part of the parking facility, in accordance with Title 35 RCW, as now existing or hereinafter amended: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That assessments against property within the district may be measured per lot, per square foot, by property valuation, or any other method as fairly reflects the special benefits derived therefrom, and credit in calculating the assessment may be allowed for property rights or services performed;
(2) Provide for issuance of revenue bonds payable from revenues of the proposed parking facility, from other off-street parking facilities, on-street meter collections, or allocations of other sources of funds; issue general obligation bonds; make reimbursable or nonrefundable appropriations from the general fund, or reserves; and/or guarantee bonds issued or otherwise pledge the city's credit, all in such combination, and under such terms and conditions as the city council shall specify;
(3) Authorize acquisition of the necessary property and property rights by eminent domain proceedings, in the manner authorized by law for cities in Title 8 RCW: PROVIDED, That the city council shall first determine that the proposed parking facility will promote the circulation of traffic or the more convenient or efficient use by the public of streets or public facilities in the immediate area than would exist if the proposed parking facility were not provided, or that the parking facility otherwise enhances the public health, safety and welfare; and
(4) Authorize and execute the necessary transfer or control of property rights; vacate or realign streets and alleys or permit uses within the same; and direct relocation of street utilities.
In event none of the four above powers need be exercised, the city council's approval of construction plans shall be deemed full authority to construct and complete the parking facility.
[1969 ex.s. c 204 § 8.]