The city may:
(1) Transfer control of off-street parking facilities under other departments to the parking commission under such conditions as deemed appropriate;
(2) Issue revenue bonds pursuant to chapter 35.41 RCW, and RCW *35.24.305, and 35.81.100 as now or hereafter amended, and such other statutes as may authorize such bonds for parking facilities authorized herein;
(3) Issue general obligation bonds pursuant to chapters 39.44, 39.52 RCW, and RCW 35.81.115 as now or hereafter amended, and such other statutes and applicable provisions of the state Constitution that may authorize such bonds for parking facilities authorized herein;
(4) Appropriate funds for the parking commission; and
(5) Enact such ordinances as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, notwithstanding any charter provisions to the contrary.
[1969 ex.s. c 204 § 9.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: RCW 35.24.305 was recodified as RCW 35.23.454 pursuant to 1994 c 81 § 90.