(1) Territory owned by a county and used for an agricultural fair as provided in chapter 15.76 RCW or chapter 36.37 RCW may only be annexed to a code city through the method prescribed in this section.
(a) The legislative body of the city proposing the annexation must submit a request for annexation and a legal description of the subject territory to the legislative authority of the county within which the territory is located.
(b) Upon receipt of the request and description, the county legislative authority has thirty days to review the proposal and determine if the annexation proceedings will continue. As a condition of approval, the county legislative authority may modify the proposal, but it may not add territory that was not included in the request and description. Approval of the county legislative authority is a condition precedent to further proceedings upon the request and there is no appeal of the county legislative authority's decision.
(c) If the county legislative authority determines that the proceedings may continue, it must, within thirty days of the determination, fix a date for a public hearing on the proposal, and cause notice of the hearing to be published at least once a week for two weeks prior to the hearing in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the territory proposed for annexation. The notice must also be posted in three public places within the subject territory, specify the time and place of the hearing, and invite interested persons to appear and voice approval or disapproval of the annexation. If the annexation proposal provides for assumption of indebtedness or adoption of a proposed zoning regulation, the notice must include a statement of these requirements.
(d) If, following the conclusion of the hearing, a majority of the county legislative authority deems the annexation proposal to be in the best interest of the county, it may adopt a resolution approving of the annexation.
(e) If, following the county legislative authority's adoption of the annexation approval resolution, the legislative body of the city proposing annexation determines to effect the annexation, it must do so by ordinance. The ordinance: (i) May only include territory approved for annexation in the resolution adopted under (d) of this subsection; and (ii) must not exclude territory approved for annexation in the resolution adopted under (d) of this subsection. Upon passage of the annexation ordinance, a certified copy must be filed with the applicable county legislative authority.
(2) Any territory annexed through an ordinance adopted under this section is annexed and becomes a part of the code city upon the date fixed in the ordinance.
[2009 c 402 § 5.]
Notes: Intent -- 2009 c 402: See note following RCW 35.13.490.