Boundary review board, extension of water and sewer service beyond corporate boundaries to go before: RCW 36.93.090.
Credit card use by local governments: RCW 43.09.2855.
Labor relations consultants: RCW 43.09.230.
Local adopt-a-highway programs: RCW 47.40.105.
Municipal business and occupation tax: Chapter 35.102 RCW.
Municipalities -- Energy audits and efficiency: RCW 43.19.691.
Pollution control -- Municipal bonding authority: Chapter 70.95A RCW.
Public bodies may retain collection agencies to collect public debts -- Fees: RCW 19.16.500.
School districts agreements with other governmental entities for transportation of students or the public or for other noncommon school purposes -- Limitations: RCW 28A.160.120.
Senior citizens programs -- Authorization to establish and administer: RCW 36.39.060.
Tourism promotion areas: Chapter 35.101 RCW.