Cities and counties have a significant interest in ensuring that inmates in their jails are productive citizens after their release in the community. The legislature finds that there is an expressed need for cities and counties to uniformly develop and coordinate jail industries technical information and program and public safety standards statewide. It further finds that meaningful jail work industries programs that are linked to formal education and adult literacy training can significantly reduce recidivism, the rising costs of corrections, and criminal activities. It is the purpose and intent of the legislature, through this chapter, to establish a statewide jail industries program designed to promote inmate rehabilitation through meaningful work experience and reduce the costs of incarceration. The legislature recognizes that inmates should have the responsibility for contributing to the cost of their crime through the wages earned while working in jail industries programs and that such income shall be used to offset the costs of implementing and maintaining local jail industries programs and the costs of incarceration.
[1993 c 285 § 1.]