(1) Through the use of district revenue derived through special assessments and bonds authorized under this chapter and, consistent with the terms and conditions of a petition approved in accordance with this chapter, a community facilities district may finance all or a portion of the following costs, expenses, and facilities whether located inside or outside the boundaries of an approved district:
(a) The cost, or any portion thereof, of the purchase, finance, lease, sublease, construction, expansion, improvement, or rehabilitation of any facility with an estimated life of five years or longer;
(b) The planning and design work that is directly related to the purchase, construction, expansion, improvement, or rehabilitation of a facility, including engineering, architectural, planning, and inspection costs;
(c) Facilities listed in RCW 35.43.040 to the extent not specified in this section;
(d) Sanitary sewage systems, including collection, transport, storage, treatment, dispersal, effluent use, and discharge;
(e) Drainage and flood control systems, including collection, transport, diversion, storage, detention, retention, dispersal, use, and discharge;
(f) Water systems for domestic, industrial, irrigation, municipal, or community facilities purposes, including production, collection, storage, treatment, transport, delivery, connection, and dispersal;
(g) Highways, streets, roadways, and parking facilities, including all areas for vehicular use for travel, ingress, egress, and parking;
(h) Areas for pedestrian, equestrian, bicycle, or other nonmotor vehicle use for travel, ingress, egress, and parking;
(i) Pedestrian malls, parks, recreational facilities, and open-space facilities for the use of members of the public for entertainment, assembly, and recreation;
(j) Landscaping, including earthworks, structures, lakes, and other water features, plants, trees, and related water delivery systems;
(k) Public buildings, public safety facilities, and community facilities;
(l) Publicly owned natural gas transmission and distribution facilities, facilities for the transmission or distribution of electrical energy, and limited communications facilities, specifically poles, trenches, and conduits, for use of any communications provider;
(m) Street lighting;
(n) Traffic control systems and devices, including signals, controls, markings, and signage;
(o) Systems of surface, underground, or overhead railways, tramways, buses, or any other means of mass transportation facilities, including passenger, terminal, station parking, and related facilities and areas for passenger and vehicular use for travel, ingress, egress, and parking;
(p) Library, educational, and cultural facilities; and
(q) Facilities similar to those listed in this section.
(2) The district may not finance public or private residential dwellings, nonprofit facilities as defined in RCW 43.180.300, health care facilities as defined in RCW 70.37.020, higher education institutions as defined in RCW 28B.07.020, or economic development activities as defined in RCW 43.163.010.
[2010 c 7 § 501.]