A land use petition must set forth:
(1) The name and mailing address of the petitioner;
(2) The name and mailing address of the petitioner's attorney, if any;
(3) The name and mailing address of the local jurisdiction whose land use decision is at issue;
(4) Identification of the decision-making body or officer, together with a duplicate copy of the decision, or, if not a written decision, a summary or brief description of it;
(5) Identification of each person to be made a party under RCW 36.70C.040(2) (b) through (d);
(6) Facts demonstrating that the petitioner has standing to seek judicial review under RCW 36.70C.060;
(7) A separate and concise statement of each error alleged to have been committed;
(8) A concise statement of facts upon which the petitioner relies to sustain the statement of error; and
(9) A request for relief, specifying the type and extent of relief requested.
[1995 c 347 § 708.]