The Nisqually earthquake account is created in the state treasury. Moneys may be placed in the account from tax revenues, budget transfers or appropriations, federal appropriations, gifts, or any other lawful source. Moneys in the account may be spent only after appropriation. Moneys in the account shall be used only to support state and local government disaster response and recovery efforts associated with the Nisqually earthquake. During the 2003-2005 fiscal biennium, the legislature may transfer moneys from the Nisqually earthquake account to the disaster response account for fire suppression and mobilization costs. During the 2007-2009 fiscal biennium, moneys in the account may also be used to support disaster response and recovery efforts associated with flood and storm damage. During the 2009-2011 fiscal biennium, the legislature may transfer moneys from the Nisqually earthquake account to the disaster response account for disaster response and recovery efforts associated with flood and storm damage.
[2009 c 564 § 922; 2008 c 329 § 909; 2003 1st sp.s. c 25 § 913; 2002 c 371 § 904; 2001 c 5 § 2.]
Notes: Effective date -- 2009 c 564: See note following RCW 2.68.020.
Severability -- Effective date -- 2008 c 329: See notes following RCW 28B.105.110.
Severability -- Effective date -- 2003 1st sp.s. c 25: See notes following RCW 19.28.351.
Severability -- Effective date -- 2002 c 371: See notes following RCW 9.46.100.
Nisqually earthquake emergency declaration -- 2001 c 5: "The legislature declares an emergency caused by a natural disaster, known as the Nisqually earthquake, which occurred on February 28, 2001, as proclaimed by the governor and the president of the United States." [2001 c 5 § 1.]
Effective date -- 2001 c 5: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [March 12, 2001]." [2001 c 5 § 6.]