The governor, or upon his or her direction, the director, or any political subdivision of the state, is authorized to contract with any person, firm, corporation, or entity to provide construction or work on a cost basis to be used in emergency management functions or activities as defined in RCW 38.52.010(1) or as hereafter amended, said functions or activities to expressly include natural disasters, as well as all other emergencies of a type contemplated by RCW 38.52.110, 38.52.180, 38.52.195, 38.52.205, 38.52.207, 38.52.220 and 38.52.390. All funds received for purposes of RCW 38.52.110, 38.52.180, 38.52.195, 38.52.205, 38.52.207, 38.52.220 and 38.52.390, whether appropriated funds, local funds, or from whatever source, may be used to pay for the construction, equipment, or work contracted for under this section.
[1986 c 266 § 42; 1984 c 38 § 40; 1971 ex.s. c 8 § 6.]
Notes: Severability -- 1986 c 266: See note following RCW 38.52.005.