(1) In addition to the rules adopted under RCW 41.06.150, the director shall adopt rules establishing a state employee return-to-work program. The program shall, at a minimum:
(a) Direct each agency to adopt a return-to-work policy. The program shall allow each agency program to take into consideration the special nature of employment in the agency;
(b) Provide for eligibility in the return-to-work program, for a minimum of two years from the date the temporary disability commenced, for any permanent employee who is receiving compensation under RCW 51.32.090 and who is, by reason of his or her temporary disability, unable to return to his or her previous work, but who is physically capable of carrying out work of a lighter or modified nature;
(c) Allow opportunity for return-to-work statewide when appropriate job classifications are not available in the agency that is the appointing authority at the time of injury;
(d) Require each agency to name an agency representative responsible for coordinating the return-to-work program of the agency;
(e) Provide that applicants receiving appointments for classified service receive an explanation of the return-to-work policy;
(f) Require training of supervisors on implementation of the return-to-work policy, including but not limited to assessment of the appropriateness of the return-to-work job for the employee; and
(g) Coordinate participation of applicable employee assistance programs, as appropriate.
(2) The agency full-time equivalents necessary to implement the return-to-work program established under this section shall be used only for the purposes of the return-to-work program and the net increase in full-time equivalents shall be temporary.
[2002 c 354 § 223; 1990 c 204 § 3.]
Notes: Short title -- Headings, captions not law -- Severability -- Effective dates -- 2002 c 354: See RCW 41.80.907 through 41.80.910.
Findings -- Purpose -- 1990 c 204: See note following RCW 51.44.170.