Nothing in RCW 41.48.120 or 41.48.130 shall affect the power of the Washington personnel resources board or any other state personnel authority to establish sick leave rules except as may be required under RCW 41.48.120 or 41.48.130: PROVIDED, That each personnel board and personnel authority shall establish the maximum number of working days an employee under its jurisdiction may be absent on account of sickness or accident disability without a medical certificate.
"Personnel authority" as used in this section, means a state agency, board, committee, or similar body having general authority to establish personnel rules.
[1993 c 281 § 39; 1979 c 152 § 3.]
Notes: Effective date -- 1993 c 281: See note following RCW 41.06.022.
Severability -- 1979 c 152: See note following RCW 41.48.120.