(1) The allowances calculated under RCW 41.54.030, 41.54.032, and 41.54.034 shall be paid separately by each respective current and prior system. Any deductions from such separate payments shall be according to the provisions of the respective systems.
(2) Postretirement adjustments, if any, shall be applied by the respective systems based on the payments made under subsection (1) of this section.
(3) The department shall adopt rules under chapter 34.05 RCW to ensure that where a dual member has service in a system established under chapter 41.32, 41.40, 41.44, 41.35, 41.37, or 43.43 RCW; service in plan 2 of the system established under chapter 41.26 RCW; and service under the city employee retirement system for Seattle, Tacoma, or Spokane, the additional cost incurred as a result of the dual member receiving a benefit under this chapter shall be borne by the retirement system incurring the additional cost.
[2004 c 242 § 59; 1998 c 341 § 704; 1996 c 55 § 5. Prior: 1993 c 519 § 16; 1993 c 517 § 9; 1990 c 192 § 5; 1988 c 195 § 3; 1987 c 192 § 4.]
Notes: Effective date -- 2004 c 242: See RCW 41.37.901.
Effective date -- 1998 c 341: See RCW 41.35.901.
Part headings not law -- Effective date -- 1993 c 519: See notes following RCW 28A.400.212.
Purpose -- 1993 c 517: See note following RCW 41.26.420.