Information relating to the following programs and reports, which have no ongoing activity, is exempt from disclosure under this chapter:
(1) Railroad company contracts filed prior to July 28, 1991, with the utilities and transportation commission under *RCW 81.34.070, except that the summaries of the contracts are open to public inspection and copying as otherwise provided by this chapter;
(2) Personal information in files maintained in a database created under **RCW 43.07.360; and
(3) Data collected by the department of social and health services for the reports required by section 8, chapter 231, Laws of 2003, except as compiled in the aggregate and reported to the senate and house of representatives.
[2005 c 274 § 428.]
Notes: Reviser's note: *(1) RCW 81.34.070 was repealed by 1991 c 49 § 1.
**(2) RCW 43.07.360 expired December 31, 2000, pursuant to 1996 c 253 § 502.