(1) By December 31, 2009, all state agencies shall purchase one hundred percent recycled content white cut sheet bond paper used in office printers and copiers. State agencies are encouraged to give priority to purchasing from companies that produce paper in facilities that generate energy from a renewable energy source.
(2) State agencies that utilize office printers and copiers that, after reasonable attempts, cannot be calibrated to utilize such paper referenced in subsection (1) of this section, must for those models of equipment:
(a) Purchase paper at the highest recycled content that can be utilized efficiently by the copier or printer;
(b) At the time of lease renewal or at the end of the life-cycle, either lease or purchase a model that will efficiently utilize one hundred percent recycled content white cut sheet bond paper;
(3) Printed projects that require the use of high volume production inserters or high-speed digital devices, such as those used by the state printer, department of information services, and the department of general administration, are not required to meet the one hundred percent recycled content white cut sheet bond paper standard, but must utilize the highest recycled content that can be utilized efficiently by such equipment and not impede the business of agencies.
(4) The state printer, department of general administration, and department of information services shall work together to identify for use by agencies one hundred percent recycled paper products that process efficiently through high-speed production equipment and do not impede the business of agencies.
[2009 c 356 § 2.]