(1) In addition to any other powers granted the director, the director may undertake studies dealing with all aspects of environmental problems involving land, water, or air; however, in the absence of specific legislative authority, such studies shall be limited to investigations of particular problems, and shall not be implemented by positive action.
(2)(a) Any studies conducted by the department to establish the total maximum daily load of a water body under chapter 90.48 RCW must involve meaningful participation and opportunities to comment by the local watershed planning group established in chapter 90.82 RCW, the local governments whose jurisdictions are within the affected watershed, and any affected or concerned citizen who notifies the department of his or her interest in participating. Technical or procedural disputes or disagreements that arise during the participation and comment process may be presented to the director for review. The director shall conduct a review of the disputed items and issue written findings and conclusions to all interested participants.
(b) If a study conducted on the total maximum daily load of a water body may affect a new or renewed national pollution discharge elimination permit under chapter 90.48 RCW, the department must disclose prior to the finalization of the study the precision and accuracy of data collected, computer models developed, and assumptions used.
[2002 c 364 § 1; 1987 c 505 § 28; 1980 c 87 § 22; 1970 ex.s. c 62 § 13.]