(1) Contracting associate development organizations shall provide the department with measures of their performance. Annual reports shall include information on the impact of the contracting organization on employment, wages, tax revenue, and capital investment. Specific measures shall be developed in the contracting process between the department and the contracting organization every two years. Performance measures should be consistent across regions to allow for statewide evaluation.
(2)(a) The department and contracting organizations shall agree upon specific target levels for the performance measures in subsection (1) of this section. Comparison of agreed thresholds and actual performance shall occur annually.
(b) Contracting organizations that fail to achieve the agreed performance targets in more than one-half of the agreed measures shall develop remediation plans to address performance gaps. The remediation plans shall include revised performance thresholds specifically chosen to provide evidence of progress in making the identified service changes.
(c) Contracts and state funding shall be terminated for one year for organizations that fail to achieve the agreed upon progress toward improved performance defined under (b) of this subsection. During the year in which termination for nonperformance is in effect, organizations shall review alternative delivery strategies to include reorganization of the contracting organization, merging of previous efforts with existing regional partners, and other specific steps toward improved performance. At the end of the period of termination, the department may contract with the associate development organization or its successor as it deems appropriate.
(3) The department shall report to the legislature and the Washington economic development commission by December 31st of each even-numbered year on the performance results of the contracts with associate development organizations.
[2009 c 518 § 15; 2007 c 249 § 3.]
Notes: Findings -- Intent -- 2007 c 249: See note following RCW 43.330.080.