(1) Subject to the availability of funds appropriated for this specific purpose or another source of funding made available for this specific purpose, the department shall establish a regional transfer of development rights program in central Puget Sound, including King, Kitsap, Snohomish, and Pierce counties and the cities and towns within these counties. The program must be guided by the Puget Sound regional council's multicounty planning policies adopted under RCW 36.70A.210(7).
(2) The purpose of the program is to foster voluntary county, city, and town participation in the program so that interjurisdictional transfers occur between the counties, cities, and towns, including transfers from counties to cities and towns in other counties. Private transactions between buyers and sellers of transferable development rights are allowed and encouraged under this program. In fulfilling the requirements of this chapter, the department shall work with the Puget Sound regional council to implement a regional program.
(3) The department shall encourage participation by the cities, towns, and counties in the regional program. The regional program shall not be implemented in a manner that negatively impacts existing local programs. The department shall encourage and work to enhance the efforts in any of these counties, cities, or towns to develop local transfer of development rights programs or enhance existing programs.
(4) Subject to the availability of funds appropriated for this specific purpose or another source of funding made available for this specific purpose, the department shall do the following to implement a regional transfer of development rights program in central Puget Sound:
(a) Serve as the central coordinator for state government in the implementation of RCW 43.362.030 through 43.362.070.
(b) Offer technical assistance to cities, towns, and counties planning for participation in the regional transfer of development rights program. The department's technical assistance shall:
(i) Include written guidance for local development and implementation of the regional transfer of development rights program;
(ii) Include guidance for and encourage permitting or environmental review incentives for developers to participate. Activities may include, but are not limited to, provision for by-right permitting, substantial environmental review of a subarea plan for the receiving area that includes the use of transferable development rights, adoption of a categorical exemption for infill under RCW 43.21C.229 for a receiving area, or adoption of a planned action under RCW 43.21C.240;
(iii) Provide guidance to counties, cities, and towns to negotiate receiving area ratios and foster private transactions;
(iv) Provide guidance and encourage planning for receiving areas that do not compete or conflict with comprehensive plan policies and development regulations that require or encourage affordable housing; and
(v) Provide guidance and encourage planning for receiving areas that maximizes opportunities for economic development through the creation or retention of jobs.
(c) Work with counties, cities, and towns to inform elected officials, planning commissions, and the public regarding the regional transfer of development rights program. The information provided by the department shall discuss the importance of preserving farmland and farming, and forest land and forestry, to cities and towns and the local economy.
(d) Based on information provided by the counties, cities, and towns, post on a web site information regarding transfer of development rights transactions and a list of interested buyers and sellers of transferable development rights.
(e) Coordinate with and provide resources to state and local agencies and stakeholders to provide public outreach.
[2009 c 474 § 3.]