Unless *the office of financial management certifies by December 31, 1997, that the following conditions have been met, sections 201 through 208, chapter 220, Laws of 1997 are null and void:
(1) The professional football team that will use the stadium and exhibition center is at least majority-owned and controlled by, directly or indirectly, one or more persons who are each residents of the state of Washington and who have been residents of the state of Washington continuously since at least January 1, 1993;
(2) The county in which the stadium and exhibition center is to be constructed has created a public stadium authority under this chapter to acquire property, construct, own, remodel, maintain, equip, reequip, repair, and operate a stadium and exhibition center;
(3) The county in which the stadium and exhibition center is to be constructed has enacted the taxes authorized in RCW 36.38.010(5) and 36.38.040; and
(4) The county in which the stadium and exhibition center is to be constructed pledges to maintain and continue the taxes authorized in RCW 36.38.010(5), 67.28.180, and 36.38.040 until the bonds authorized in RCW 43.99N.020 are fully redeemed, both principal and interest.
[1997 c 220 § 215 (Referendum Bill No. 48, approved June 17, 1997).]
Notes: *Reviser's note: The office of financial management certified on December 3, 1997, that the conditions in subsections (1) through (4) of this section had been met.