"Street rod vehicle" is a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, that meets the following conditions:
(1)(a) The vehicle was manufactured before 1949, (b) the vehicle has been assembled or reconstructed using major component parts of a motor vehicle manufactured before 1949, or (c) the vehicle was assembled or manufactured after 1949, to resemble a vehicle manufactured before 1949; and
(2)(a) The vehicle has been modified in its body style or design through the use of nonoriginal or reproduction components, such as frame, engine, drive train, suspension, or brakes in a manner that does not adversely affect its safe performance as a motor vehicle or render it unlawful for highway use, or (b) the body has been constructed from nonoriginal materials or has been altered dimensionally or in shape and appearance from the original manufactured body.
[1999 c 58 § 1; 1996 c 225 § 4.]
Notes: Finding -- 1996 c 225: See note following RCW 46.04.125.