(1) The department in its discretion may grant a temporary permit to operate a vehicle for which application for registration has been made, where such application is accompanied by the proper fee pending action upon said application by the department.
(2) The department may authorize vehicle dealers properly licensed pursuant to chapter 46.70 RCW to issue temporary permits to operate vehicles under such rules and regulations as the department deems appropriate.
(3) The fee for each temporary permit application distributed to an authorized vehicle dealer shall be fifteen dollars, five dollars of which shall be credited to the payment of registration fees at the time application for registration is made. The remainder shall be deposited to the state patrol highway account.
(4) The payment of the registration fees to an authorized dealer is considered payment to the state of Washington.
(5) By July 1, 2009, the department shall provide access to a secure system that allows temporary permits issued by vehicle dealers properly licensed pursuant to chapter 46.70 RCW to be generated and printed on demand. By July 1, 2011, all such permits must be generated using the designated system.
[2008 c 51 § 1; 2007 c 155 § 1; 1990 c 198 § 1; 1973 1st ex.s. c 132 § 23; 1961 c 12 § 46.16.045. Prior: 1959 c 66 § 1.]
Notes: Effective date -- 2007 c 155: "This act takes effect August 1, 2007." [2007 c 155 § 3.]
Severability -- 1973 1st ex.s. c 132: See RCW 46.16.900, 46.70.920.