Forms for such temporary permits shall be prescribed and furnished by the department. Temporary permits shall bear consecutive numbers, shall show the name and address of the applicant, trade name of the vehicle, model, year, type of body, identification number and date of application, and shall be such as may be affixed to the vehicle at the time of issuance, and remain on such vehicle only during the period of such registration and until the receipt of permanent license plates. The application shall be registered in the office of the person issuing the permit and shall be forwarded by him or her to the department each day together with the fee accompanying it.
A fee of fifty cents shall be charged by the person authorized to issue such permit which shall be accounted for in the same manner as the other fees collected by such officers, provided that such fees collected by county auditors or their agents shall be paid to the county treasurer in the same manner as other fees collected by the county auditor and credited to the county current expense fund.
[2010 c 8 § 9011; 1961 c 12 §46.16.047 . Prior: 1959 c 66 § 2.]