(1) The director may adopt fees to be charged by the department for emblems issued by the department under RCW 46.16.319.
(2) The fee for each remembrance emblem issued under RCW 46.16.319 shall be in an amount sufficient to offset the costs of production of remembrance emblems and the administration of that program by the department plus an amount for use by the department of veterans affairs, not to exceed a total fee of twenty-five dollars per emblem.
(3) The veterans' emblem account is created in the custody of the state treasurer. All receipts by the department from the issuance of remembrance emblems under RCW 46.16.319 shall be deposited into this fund. Expenditures from the fund may be used only for the costs of production of remembrance emblems and administration of the program by the department of licensing, with the balance used only by the department of veterans affairs for projects that pay tribute to those living veterans and to those who have died defending freedom in our nation's wars and conflicts and for the upkeep and operations of existing memorials, as well as for planning, acquiring land for, and constructing future memorials. Only the director of licensing, the director of veterans affairs, or their designees may authorize expenditures from the fund. The fund is subject to allotment procedures under chapter 43.88 RCW, but no appropriation is required for expenditures.
[1994 c 194 § 5; 1990 c 250 § 9.]
Notes: Effective dates -- 1990 c 250 §§ 1-13: See note following RCW 46.16.301.
Severability -- 1990 c 250: See note following RCW 46.16.301.