In cooperation with the Washington state patrol and the department of licensing, the traffic safety commission shall create and design, and the department shall issue, Cooper Jones license plate emblems displaying a symbol of bicycle safety that may be used on motor vehicles required to display two motor vehicle license plates, excluding vehicles registered under chapter 46.87 RCW, upon terms and conditions established by the department. These license plate emblems will fund the Cooper Jones act and provide funding for bicyclist and pedestrian safety education, enforcement, and encouragement.
Any person may purchase Cooper Jones license plate emblems. The emblems are to be displayed on the vehicle license plates in the manner described by the department, existing vehicular licensing procedures, and current laws. The fee for Cooper Jones emblems shall be twenty-five dollars. All moneys collected shall first go to the department to be deposited into the motor vehicle fund until all expenses of designing and producing the emblems are recovered. Thereafter, the department shall deduct an amount not to exceed five dollars of each fee collected for Cooper Jones emblems for administration and collection expenses. The remaining proceeds shall be remitted to the custody of the state treasurer with a proper identifying detailed report. The state treasurer shall credit the proceeds to the "Share the Road" account established under RCW 46.16.30929.
[2005 c 426 § 5; 2002 c 264 § 3.]
Notes: Finding -- 2002 c 264: "The legislature finds that bicycling and walking are becoming increasingly popular in Washington as clean and efficient modes of transportation, as recreational activities, and as organized sports. Future plans for the state's transportation system will require increased access and safety for bicycles and pedestrians on our common roadways, and federal transportation legislation and funding programs have created strong incentives to implement these changes quickly. As a result, many more people are likely to take up bicycling in Washington both as a leisure activity and as a convenient, inexpensive form of transportation. Bicyclists are more vulnerable to injury and accident than motorists, and both should be knowledgeable about traffic laws. Bicyclists should be highly visible and predictable when riding in traffic, and be encouraged to wear bicycle safety helmets. Hundreds of bicyclists and pedestrians are seriously injured every year in accidents, and millions of dollars are spent on health care costs associated with these accidents. There is clear evidence that organized training in the rules and techniques of safe and effective cycling can significantly reduce the incidence of serious injury and accidents, increase cooperation among road users, and significantly increase the incidence of bicycle helmet use, particularly among minors. A reduction in accidents benefits the entire community. Therefore, it is appropriate for businesses and community organizations to provide donations to bicycle and pedestrian safety training programs." [2002 c 264 § 1.]