(1) If the eligible applicant bears the entire cost of plate production, the department shall provide for the issuance of special license plates, in lieu of regular motor vehicle license plates, for passenger vehicles having manufacturers' rated carrying capacities of one ton or less that are owned or leased by an officer of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office. The department shall issue the special license plates in a distinguishing color, running in a separate numerical series, and bearing the words "Foreign Organization." A vehicle for which special license plates are issued under this section is exempt from regular license fees under RCW 46.16.0621 and any additional vehicle license fees imposed under *RCW 82.80.020.
(2) Whenever the owner or lessee as provided in subsection (1) of this section transfers or assigns the interest or title in the motor vehicle for which the special plates were issued, the plates must be removed from the motor vehicle, and if another qualified vehicle is acquired, attached to that vehicle, and the director must be immediately notified of the transfer of the plates; otherwise the removed plates must be immediately forwarded to the director to be destroyed. Whenever the owner or lessee as provided in subsection (1) of this section is for any reason relieved of his or her duties as a representative of a recognized foreign organization, he or she shall immediately forward the special plates to the director, who shall upon receipt dispose of the plates as otherwise provided by law.
[2001 c 64 § 5; 1996 c 139 § 1.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: RCW 82.80.020 was repealed by 2003 c 1 § 5, (Initiative Measure No. 776, approved November 5, 2002).