(1) Within thirty days of legislative enactment of a new special license plate series for a qualifying organization meeting the requirements of RCW 46.16.735(1), the department shall enter into a written agreement with the organization that sponsored the special license plate. The agreement must identify the services to be performed by the sponsoring organization. The agreement must be consistent with all applicable state law and include the following provision:
"No portion of any funds disbursed under the agreement may be used, directly or indirectly, for any of the following purposes:
(a) Attempting to influence: (i) The passage or defeat of legislation by the legislature of the state of Washington, by a county, city, town, or other political subdivision of the state of Washington, or by the Congress; or (ii) the adoption or rejection of a rule, standard, rate, or other legislative enactment of a state agency;
(b) Making contributions reportable under chapter 42.17 RCW; or
(c) Providing a: (i) Gift; (ii) honoraria; or (iii) travel, lodging, meals, or entertainment to a public officer or employee."
(2) The sponsoring organization must submit an annual financial report by September 30th of each year to the department detailing actual revenues and expenditures of the revenues received from sales of the special license plate. Consistent with the agreement under subsection (1) of this section, the sponsoring organization must expend the revenues generated from the sale of the special license plate series for the benefit of the public, and it must be spent within this state. Disbursement of the revenue generated from the sale of the special license plate to the sponsoring organization is contingent upon the organization meeting all reporting and review requirements as required by the department.
(3) If the sponsoring organization ceases to exist or the purpose of the special license plate series ceases to exist, revenues generated from the sale of the special license plates must be deposited into the motor vehicle account.
(4) A sponsoring organization may not seek to redesign its plate series until all of the inventory is sold or purchased by the organization itself. All cost for redesign of a plate series must be paid by the sponsoring organization.
[2003 c 196 § 303.]
Notes: Part headings not law -- 2003 c 196: See note following RCW 46.16.700.