Local authorities with respect to public highways under their jurisdiction may prohibit the operation thereon of motor trucks or other vehicles or may impose limits as to the weight thereof, or any other restrictions as may be deemed necessary, whenever any such public highway by reason of rain, snow, climatic or other conditions, will be seriously damaged or destroyed unless the operation of vehicles thereon be prohibited or restricted or the permissible weights thereof reduced: PROVIDED, That whenever a highway has been closed generally to vehicles or specified classes of vehicles, local authorities shall by general rule or by special permit authorize the operation thereon of school buses, emergency vehicles, and motor trucks transporting perishable commodities or commodities necessary for the health and welfare of local residents under such weight and speed restrictions as the local authorities deem necessary to protect the highway from undue damage: PROVIDED FURTHER, That the governing authorities of incorporated cities and towns shall not prohibit the use of any city street designated a part of the route of any primary state highway through any such incorporated city or town by vehicles or any class of vehicles or impose any restrictions or reductions in permissible weights unless such restriction, limitation, or prohibition, or reduction in permissible weights be first approved in writing by the department of transportation.
The local authorities imposing any such restrictions or limitations, or prohibiting any use or reducing the permissible weights shall do so by proper ordinance or resolution and shall erect or cause to be erected and maintained signs designating the provisions of the ordinance or resolution in each end of the portion of any public highway affected thereby, and no such ordinance or resolution shall be effective unless and until such signs are erected and maintained.
The department shall have the same authority as hereinabove granted to local authorities to prohibit or restrict the operation of vehicles upon state highways. The department shall give public notice of closure or restriction. The department may issue special permits for the operation of school buses and motor trucks transporting perishable commodities or commodities necessary for the health and welfare of local residents under specified weight and speed restrictions as may be necessary to protect any state highway from undue damage.
[2006 c 334 § 16; 1977 ex.s. c 151 § 29; 1973 2nd ex.s. c 15 § 1; 1961 c 12 §46.44.080 . Prior: 1937 c 189 § 54; RRS § 6360-54.]
Notes:Rules of court: Monetary penalty schedule -- IRLJ 6.2.
Effective date -- 2006 c 334: See note following RCW 47.01.051.
Federal requirements -- Severability -- 1977 ex.s. c 151: See RCW 47.98.070 and 47.98.080.
Highway and street closures authorized -- Notice: Chapter 47.48 RCW.