The Washington state patrol may adopt rules establishing standards for qualifications and hours of service of drivers for private carriers as defined by *RCW 81.80.010(6). Such standards shall correlate with and, as far as reasonable, conform to the regulations contained in Title 49 C.F.R., Chapter 3, Subchapter B, Parts 391 and 395, on July 28, 1985.
[2005 c 319 § 120; 1985 c 333 § 1.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: Due to the alphabetization of RCW 81.80.010 pursuant to RCW 1.08.015(2)(k), subsection (6) was changed to subsection (9).
Findings--Intent--Part headings--Effective dates -- 2005 c 319: See notes following RCW 43.17.020.